1 Oct 2020 | Clover, Enviropastures
Assessing annual clovers as an important part of your re-sowing programme is a valuable use of time, and boy, do we have an awesome range on offer for you! Check out the options below and give us a call to discuss your needs. Our products cover a wide range of...
26 Sep 2020 | Cover Crops, Enviropastures
LOTUS Is a perennial species resembling lucerne in its use and management Long tap root giving significantly high root biomass in comparison to other legumes Winter hardy crop that is great for hay and silage Tolerant of adverse soil conditions such as waterlogging...
16 Jul 2020 | Enviropastures
GRAZING CROPS THAT CAN LAST UP TO FOUR YEARS Dry seasons have become more challenging! The feed available to grow your livestock can be the difference between selling stock in a soft store market or a more lucrative prime market. Develop specialised finishing paddocks...
24 Mar 2020 | Enviropastures
SOMETHING HAS CHANGED You have more tools Livestock farming still requires feed when feed growth is slower than the dietary intake. We now have the tools to adjust to the many factors that are set to challenge you when meeting your winter feed requirements. WHAT...
28 Jan 2020 | Enviropastures
Sainfoin is a perennial legume that is highly palatable to animals and has an excellent nutritional balance. It can be grazed, fed as hay or silage. Sainfoin has a tap root that grows down to great depth, making the plant highly drought tolerant and the ability to...
31 Oct 2019 | Enviropastures
Spring feed slower than you would like? With 1st grazing as early as 42 days from planting Multi graze leafy brassica can give you a bulk of feed quickly. Prime stock instead of selling store stock? Multi Graze leafy brassica can give several grazings over the...